Grow your business with Google (by Footprint Digital)
10th September 2019
Location: Colchester, Essex
Event information
This session starts with an interactive look at everything you need to know about digital marketing in the real world. There are five key lessons from this which will help make more money online through the website, both in bringing more people into the site and also increasing conversions from existing traffic.The session will move on to explain what Google is, a non-technical explanation of how it works, and why it matters to businesses. This is an introduction to Search Engine Optimisation and will show some of the key areas to spend time, signposting the way through four pillars to SEO success.
Footprint Digital helps businesses make more money online. Our vision is to enable every business in the world achieve more. We have supported clients such as Unicef, Oxfam, Sony, Notcutts, the NHS, and Cask Marque to deliver results across their web platforms. Operating as outsourced strategic digital advisors, the team at Footprint provide SEO, PPC, CRO, Analytics, and Content Marketing services.
The session will be delivered by Thomas Rowson. Thomas is a digital marketer, broadcaster, and historian, who recently delivered a talk - 'Are Search Engines Actually Biased?' - at TEDx. He is quite tall.