Graduate & Creative Practitioner Support Programme – Thursday 18th April
18th April 2019
Location: Colchester
Event information
April Graduate & Creative Practitioner Support ProgrammeJoin SPACEColchester for a Graduate and Creative Practitioner Support Programme peer-to-peer feedback session.
Each month sees Thursday and a Saturday artist peer-peer feedback sessions, open to all creative practices, offering opportunities for peer-to-peer feedback on work-in-progress.
This is an informal Thursday session between 12noon-2pm. The session provides a chance to share feedback with peers. Please bring along work-in-progress, sketchbooks or anything else you want to share with the group.
Full participation from attendees is not required, spectators welcome!
If you intend on attending please purchase a free ticket on Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/april-graduate-creative-practitioner-support-programme-thursday-session-tickets-59073894609
Please check our Facebook events for information about our Saturday Sessions.
If you wish to show digital work, please email this to us 48h before to abbie@spacesutdios.org.uk