Essex Cloud Computing Meetup Group – Building lean solutions with Cloud and AI
9th October 2019
Location: Colchester
Event information
Join us for beer and pizza at the inaugural Essex Cloud Computing Meetup hosted at the Innovation Centre, Knowledge Gateway.Richard Conway, the group's co-organiser will be kicking off the first meetup with a talk about how Cloud and AI can be used to build lean solution to solve business problems. This talk will be both for business audiences and show some fast-paced technical demos with Microsoft Azure illustrating how the prototyping cycle in the Cloud can be shrunk to days and weeks.
Richard Conway is a Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in Azure. He's a Director of Elastacloud which is a leading Data Science consultancy working across key business sectors such as retail, finance, engineering and others.
Richard is an author of books and courses and a key contributor to Apache open source projects with a love for all things cloud and data. Over the years he has become proficient in C++, C#, Java, Scala, Python and R and he mixes and matches these skills for his customers and community on a daily basis.
He loves speaking to new audiences on aspects of cloud, data science and data platform and has spoken all across Europe over the last few years.
Richard is a strong advocate of communities and over the years founded @ukazure and a few others.
Please RSVP for this event at https://www.meetup.com/Essex-Cloud-User-Group/
Free parking is available in the university car parks after 4.30pm. The closest car park is to the rear of the Innovation Centre.
Please visit https://www.essex.ac.uk/life/colchester-campus/how-to-get-here for more information on how to get there.
The Innovation Centre would like to offer tours of this new state of the art facility. Please arrive between 6pm and 7pm if you wish to take a tour.