Cataloguing in Adobe Lightroom and editing in Adobe Camera RAW Cover

Cataloguing in Adobe Lightroom and editing in Adobe Camera RAW

12th September 2019


Location: Colchester

Event information

Adobe Lightroom is great for cataloguing and even publishing and Adboe Camera RAW can give you much greater control over editing your images

18:30 - 19:00

Once you sign in to let us know you are here please help yourself to food and drink provided by our sponsors.
19:00 - 19:40
Using Adobe Lightroom to organise your photographs

How to use Adobe Lightroom to make a simple catalogue of your digital images, to help you find specific images quickly.


Jayne Lloyd
Jayne Lloyd Photography

19:40 - 19:50

A chance for a comfort break and a chat with other attendees.
19:50 - 20:30
Using Adobe Camera Raw to make your images stand out from the crowd

Applications that support Adobe Camera Raw include Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, After Effects, and Bridge.


Ally Wilson
Red Rocket Studio


Time to head home.

All help stacking chairs and tidying up gratefully accepted.

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